Sunday 28 April 2013

Road Kill

I just removed a dead cat from the road.

I hate it when cars run animals over and the drivers don't clean up their mess!
This is the second time I stop to bring a dead cat to the side of the road. I only do this when the animal is not all smashed apart, obviously. I bring the animal safely to the side of the road and then I check if it's still alive. If it would be alive, I would rush it to the vet...
The first time I did this, the cat was all stiff, so it was dead for a while. Today, the cat was still warm, so the accident happened not so long before I passed by, but he was dead. Poor kitty!

I think you're wondering why I'm so crazy to do this?
Just stop and think about how you would react when you saw your favourite pet sticking to the road, right in front of your doorstep. Wouldn't you wish that the driver went through the trouble of bringing your pet to the side of the road, so that other cars won't run it over time after time? I prefer a body to bury... 
Most pets are part of the family, so I always hit the brakes when an animal crosses the street!

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